brewing coffee news

Best coffee machine for home baristas

I get asked this question a lot: “What’s the best coffee machine for at home?” Just like: “What’s the best coffee to buy?”

I understand why people ask it, though. They want a professional opinion. Unfortunately, it is not that easy. To be able to answer the question: “What is the best coffee machine to use at home?”, I would first need to know what kind of coffee you prefer?

  • Black or milk-based coffees?
  • Espresso or filter?
  • Drip or pour-over, or submersion coffee?
  • Dark, medium or light roasts?
  • Not to mention flavors…

The list of variables that go into making a great cup of coffee consistently every day that also suits your taste is daunting. That was my first impression after taking the first coffee certification course in 2017.

To chose the best coffee machine for making coffee at home, you need to find your favorite style first. Then find the best machine. That said, I can give a couple of recommendations for good coffee machines for your home that make a great cup of coffee every single day as quick as you like.

Most people either prefer espresso-based coffee or filter coffee…

Espresso machines

When buying an espresso machine, do pay attention to the diameter of the portafilter. That’s the characteristic metal “bajonet” that you hold in your hand, where the coffee goes into the basket and that you insert into the machine!

Ensure that this is 53 – 57 mm, which is the industry standard. It should hold 14 – 24 gr of ground coffee. Anything smaller will also work but it will be much harder to find parts, accessories and additional tools. And you will get more tools! LOL

Fully automatic

Don’t get a fully automatic machine! Ever!

My biggest complaint is that they grind the beans for you and they will never chose a great grinder because that will make the machine too expensive. Always get a separate grinder, it will last you 10 years.

These automatic machines focus on convenience, speed and not flavor. So in my opinion this is always a set back that I cannot except.

If you can, then go with either of these:

Sage and Breville are essentially the same Australian company with different brands for US/UK and Europe


The difference between the two fully automatic espresso makers is that with the Pro version, you get to tamp the coffee yourself. The Impress version has a built-in tamper and will do it for you. ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

I don’t like a Jura, it’s too limited and maintenance is expensive.

Semi automatic

These machines are more my style because they automate some of the actions but not all and give you more control over the espresso that’s brewed. Note that a great espresso maker will cost at least 1250-1500 Euro/Dollars because of the quality of the parts and build. That does not include a grinder!

Your biggest choice depends on how you drink your coffee: black or white. If you prefer an espresso (or long black or americano) then your life is easy and you can chose a single boiler machine. They’re a lot cheaper.

Do you (or your partner) prefer white coffees then you’ll need to think about how many cappuccinos or lattes you will make. For one or two each time, it’s fine to get a single boiler machines as well. If you drink more coffees, say for dinner parties, then you should opt for a dual boiler machine. That way, you can start frothing the milk while the espresso is still brewing.

La Pavoni stradivari lever machine
La Pavoni Stradivari

Manual espresso machines

A category on their own for this is where innovation really shines.

Superkop is a brand new design and fully non-electrified so it will work when the power is out, disaster strikes and zombies invade our homes! It only needs hot water.

The lever-operated La Pavoni is a classic, gorgeous design that does require some practice and getting used to, but once you do, it is the holy grail of many baristas. Beautiful to look at and all the room to add you own special twists when making coffee.

The Flair revolutionized the world of home baristas when it appeared on Kickstarter. It’s cheap, easy to make, easy to use and a great way to get into making better coffee at home. Quality has improved a lot since and you can’t go wrong with it!

Filter coffee machines

Moccamaster KGB Select

The traditional home coffee makers have received a ton of innovations and improvements over the last 3-5 years. Coffee making, filter coffee at home, has drastically improved since the 80s and 90s. Designer machines, premium options, gorgeous materials and very reliable manufacturing mean that today’s coffee maker is lightyears ahead of those our parents and grand parents used.

Moccamaster has been the go-to coffee maker for many official coffee competitions and conferences. They’ve been around for 40 years and are rock solid, well built and easy to maintain or repair.

Or take the guessing out of the way and chose any machine on the SCA certified list of approved coffee makers. The Specialty Coffee Association takes their work very seriously and every machine is thoroughly tested and retested to ensure it makes a great cup every single time, all the time.

I hope this answered some of your questions and gave you a good start to selecting the best coffee machine for your home. Maybe it just confused you more and made you reevaluate what it is you want. Then at least I did my job. Trust me when I say that you will not find the best machine in one go. I will take several iterations before you find what works best.

Most of all, your taste for coffee will change and that brings new machines, new coffees, new equipment and new kitchen setups. If you can, buy second hand on Ebay or your local penny savers. Closed restaurants often sell off their equipment to pay debts. That’s a nice way to get a premium machine for less.

PS: If you follow my advice above and do not buy a fully automatic machine, you will need to also buy a good grinder. That’s a whole new subject, but for starters I can recommend watching James Hoffman’s review video:

brewing competition news

Preliminary rounds of Dutch Brewers Cup 2022

This year I can finally participate in something that’s been a dream of mine since I started working with coffee in 2017 and getting certified by the SCA… Corona has been forcing the competition to be postponed. I was going to first volunteer and help others participate, but I’ve decided to just dive in.

At the preliminary, you have to brew 3 cups of an unknown coffee bean in 15 minutes using your preferred brew method. You receive the beans on the day of your round and you get 30 minutes in advance to determine your best recipe using the beans provided, water present and a grinder to use.

Time lapse of a practice run

The preliminary is held at Alleborgh coffee in Almere, a well known espresso machine dealer, who has a backoffice practice floor where you can setup. They’ve been cooperating with SCA Nederland forever, as far as I know.

Not knowing the water used and using a guest grinder is an extra complication. Baristas know their own equipment in and out and can fine-tune results often instantly to compensate for dinner ad-hoc deviation

I’m going to double check the requirements again before Tuesday Feb 22nd, when I’m scheduled to go on stage, but I believe you get 15 minutes total time and can use 8 minutes to set up and 7 minutes to produce 3 cups of 180 grams of coffee liquid.

I also learned that you’ll get 15 min additional time familiarize yourself with the grinder (a mahlkonig EK43 ๐Ÿฅฐ) and can bring your own coffee to achieve the grind size you’re set on using. There are tools to help with this task, such as a Kruve sieve or a ruler that indicates particle size, but I don’t have those yet. Maybe if I make the finals…

This is not that hard at all but the complexity increases because you kinda have to brew 3 batches of coffee in parallel and start the 2nd while you’re still brewing the first. This is where timing gets tricky and routine is crucial!

The coffees are judged on flavors, taste and consistency by a professional jury who’ve sampled the same coffee for themselves, so they know what’s possible to achieve. In a way, it’s whoever is closest to what they achieved wins.

brewing coffee news roasting

Best Coffee Subscriptions in the Netherlands

One of the better things that Corona has brought to the world is the increasing availability of fantastic, fresh roasted, coffee bean subscriptions to all those who value excellent coffee when working from home! There are so many coffee roasters that have popped up as well and they sometimes bring you true gems from the coffee world to your home.

Fresh roasted beans

A coffee subscription brings you freshly roasted coffee beans to your doorstep on a regular basis. Some let you choose the frequency at which this happens, others deliver it to you every other week or month. Often, you can choose the “profile” of the coffee, which means you can decide if you want to the coffee roasted for espresso (a little darker) or for filter (a little lighter).

Did you know that coffee loses most of its delicate flavors within 15 minutes (!) after grinding? If you have always used supermarket coffee, then you really do not know how good coffee can taste!

Tasting Table (source)

Fixed subscriptions

Most coffee subscriptions can send you a fixed set of beans of your choosing, sent to you at regular intervals. You chose the roast level (espresso or filter, dark/medium/light), the quantity and which beans. From then on, you’ll never run out of fresh coffee beans again.

You may be able to set some parameters, such as blend vs. single origin or washed vs. natural beans. A few promise to occasionally send you a surprise coffee or a special coffee as well, as a thank you for your loyalty. This means you get a reliable source of great coffee beans sent to your house.

Quality of the beans

The quality level is above and beyond what you can get from the supermarket or your local coffee store, despite the latter already offering a much better bean than the supermarket. Local coffee roasters simply chose better green beans and take more pride in their (artisan) craft. They take more time and care to roast the beans slowly, which greatly enhances the flavors in the beans (source).

A rotating coffee subscription is a subscription for fresh coffee (beans or ground to your specs) that arrives regularly, but contains different coffees each time.

No Pressure Coffee

Another benefit of getting a fixed set of beans on a rotating schedule is that you don’t need to complete redial your brew settings all over again. Each bean often has a unique recipe: the setting on the grinder, the weight of dry coffee you use for the best flavor, the temperature of the water used to brew the coffee and maybe even the number of pours used to make filter coffee. If you write down your recipe (I highly recommend you do!) then when you get a known coffee again, you can simply reach for your last recipe and use that instead of having to go through several runs to optimize the recipe for taste.

Rotating subscriptions

Some coffee subscriptions give you the option to rotate the beans regularly. Each new delivery will bring different beans than the one before. I call this a “rotating subscription“. It’s a lot of work to source new green coffee beans on a regular basis, roast them and taste/cup them, adjust roasting profile, weigh and package all the subscriptions and do it all over again a week (or so) later. That’s something that only a handful people manage.

But… if you stay on long enough, you may start seeing certain beans reoccur. Not everyone has a limitless supply of every bean out there. Even roasters buy limited quantities of green beans and these run out, eventually.

Recommended Coffee Subscriptions

Here is my list of recommended coffee subscriptions in the Netherlands:

NOTE:โ€‚all of the above roasters now offer a choice between a fixed or a rotating coffee subscription! That’s great news for us.

the coffee vine, Amsterdam (2012), is a unique coffee subscription because they use rotating coffee roasters and ship their monthly changing beans all across Europe and world-wide! They have true gems and unique beans but the coffee is not what I’d call suitable for beginners. If you’d like to try totally different and wonderful beans each and every time, this is your go-to place!

If you are a coffee roaster and you offer a (rotating) coffee subscription as well, please get in touch with me if you’d like to be included in this list!

No Pressure Coffee

Update Jan 2024:
Boon no longer exists, filter box by Man met Bril is gone, Black and Bloom has sadly reduced their catalog and does not serve a subscription anymore, Uncommon added. Text updated and reworded.

coffee competition news

Participating in Dutch Brewers Cup 2022

I’m proud to say that after a lengthy postponement due to the global Corona Crisis, I’ve decided to participate in the next year’s Dutch Brewers Cup 2022!

I’m teaming up with a colleague in coffee, Dave from, who’s not only an accomplished coffee brewer but also roasts his own beans and works as a Cup Taster on quality control at a larger coffee roaster. We will both compete although in different categories! I’m very excited to both work with him and learn so much more about brewing coffee, beans, roasts and how to win competitions ๐Ÿ˜‰

I also miss working with coffee. While I’ve spent my time useful and succeeded in making excellent coffee at home while working from home, it feels good to be amongst coffee fetishists in the near future and having the smell of fresh roasted coffee in the neighborhood.

Funny, it was a 104 weeks ago (exactly 2 years) that I was present at the preliminaries of the Dutch Brewers Cup 2019 so gain insight into the competition, meet some people and familiarize myself with it. But it seems much sooner.

news roasting

My Favorite Coffee Roasters in the Netherlands

Roasting coffee beans is easy. You just need a metal pan and fire.

Roasting coffee beans well is slightly harder. You need to pay close attention.

Roasting coffee beans excellently and consistently is both art, talent and science. It requires great skills and experience.

When you roast the coffee beans, the Maillard reaction creates a multitude of chemical compounds from around 145 C and caramelizes sugars present in the bean.

Roasting specialty coffee beans is on another level because they are of higher quality and you are trying to highlight, enhance or bring out certain flavors and tones that make that particular (micro)lot or harvest shine. Do it once and that’s luck. Do it twice and you are good! Do it more than twice and you are a true artist.

coffee roaster
Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas on

In light of celebrating those true coffee artisans and artists out there, here is my highly subjective list of the best coffee bean roasters in the Netherlands:

In alphabetical order:

  • Black and Bloom, Groningen
  • Boot Koffie, Baarn
  • Capriole, Den Haag
  • Giraffe Coffee Roasters, Rotterdam
  • Lot61, Amsterdam
  • Man met bril, Rotterdam
  • Manhattan Coffee Roasters, Rotterdam
  • Nordkapp Coffee, Utrecht
  • Single Estate, Den Haag

Why are they the best? Because they procure excellent beans and are able to create a roast profile that brings out the best of the bean.

They make great every day blends that are always outstanding, but also produce time-limited special editions of simply brilliant and out-of-this-world (micro)lots from somewhere special that just blow your mind.

Drinking those is more like enjoying a fabulous bottle of wine than drinking coffee…

coffee news

Watch how “washed coffee beans” are produced

Washing beans removes the skins of the berry of the coffee bean and leaves it clean and green.

After washing, the beans have to be dried to remove excess water from the beans before they can roasted or transported. Drying has various techniques and styles, each producing different flavors and tones in the bean. You can also ferment the bean before roasting, very popular and trendy at the moment.

Fermenting introduces a wealth of different and unique flavors in coffee. Very similar to how grape juice is fermented to wine.

brewing coffee news

Ideal water composition for espresso extraction

The Coffee Science Education Centre (CSEC) in Australia tested the impact of a range of tap, artificially modified, and purified waters on the flavors of coffee in an espresso. The chemistry of the resulting brews and brew waters was analysed scientifically through gas chromatography with mass spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, a bank of photometers, and a series of pH/conductivity multi probes.

What a brilliant idea! I have long asserted certain differences in the flavors in a cup of coffee to the water used, but never really thought about it scientifically. Sometimes my favorite coffee tasted completely different when brewed at a friend’s home. Other times I simply couldn’t replicate the same great taste for a coffee I’d had at work in my home. I varied the recipe, tried to compensate for certain differences but never really solved the problem…

The study looked at how three elements of water affected flavours in extraction: hardness (the amount of calcium, magnesium, carbonate, and bicarbonate in water), pH levels, and total dissolved solids (TDS).

The biggest effect on flavour was achieved by modifying the hardness of the water

Dr Adam Carr of Seven Miles Coffee Roasters

They brewed an espresso on an industry standard machine from La Marzocco and then measured the concentration of chemicals in the coffee that are attributed to certain flavour characteristics, such as nutty/roasted (2-methylpyrazine), fruity (furaneol), vanilla/caramel (vanillin), and caffeine/bitterness (caffeine).

They found what I had sort of self-analysed by drinking coffee made with desalinated water, some mineral water and very hard (dH) water in my hometown in Bussum (dH around 9-10).

source: Seven Miles

Lessons learned:

  • Minimum hardness of 50 ppm for “best” flavors
  • Higher than 60 ppm has little effect on flavors
  • pH tends to concentrate flavors, much like salt enhances flavors in food
  • Higher pH tended to concentrate stronger flavours in coffee, though not to the same extent as hardness. However, higher pH levels also led to issues in the extraction process.
source: Reddit

Read the whole article to find out the recommended pH and what the effect on TDS was…


It just so happened that the water quality you want for coffee is what Sydney Water is pumping out of their stations!

Dr Adam Carr of Seven Miles Coffee Roasters
coffee news

So what kinds of coffee are there?

Just so it’s clear:

Great simple explanation of the different kinds of coffee drinks
brewing coffee news

The math of brewing a better espresso

Scientists have finally answered a burning question of mine: why should an espresso be brewed in 25 +/- 2 seconds and use approx 15-22gr of dry coffee to yield 50ml of (a double) espresso?

Who came up with this rule and why? Not that I have a specific problem with it but it seems so arbitrary. Also, once you start to make espresso’s a day long, you’ll notice that it’s really hard to dial in the equipment a certain way and maintain those rules for every cup. Sometimes it’ll be 21 seconds, sometimes 29. The grinder is pretty accurate. The beans are practically the same. So where does this high variation come from?

Well, it turns out that brewing your espresso differently yields the same great taste and flavors while achieving this with much greater consistency and reducing the cost per cup of espresso!

How did they do it? Well, they started by reducing the process to a proper model with solid mathematics behind it. Brewing an espresso is basically fluid dynamics of a bed of particles. The “puck” being coffee grinds of varying sizes and water is pushed through this bed at a certain pressure.

These mathematics are very well understood and accepted. So the scientists started with this model, created equations for everything and solved the equations using differential equations. That resulted in a few parameters and then they found the optimal solutions.

Sounds easy enough but believe me the math is pretty impressive, yet their logic is sound.

Turns out if you lower the pressure to 6 bars instead of 9, use 7-15gr of dry coffee, ground more coarse then tradition tells you to and aim for an extraction of 8-15 seconds, you will get a beautiful espresso that is much easier to reproduce!

Don’t believe it? Read the articles:

coffee news roasting

Best Coffee Beans in the Netherlands

We all need good coffee beans.

We all want good coffee.

So I decided that this valuable guide to the best coffee beans in the Netherlands needed to be updated!

Christian, January 2024

What are the best coffee beans in the Netherlands? Well, that depends a little on personal taste and favorites, but I can tell you who roast amazing coffee beans in the Netherlands and sell their coffee online!

Traditionally, there are a handful established coffee roasters in the Netherlands who have been producing specialty coffee since it wasn’t called specialty coffee. These are oldskool roasters who’ve always been on the lookout for great green beans, source great coffee farmers and who know how to source these beans and treat them well. In my opinion, these are:

However, the whole third wave coffee movement have sparked a bunch of great newcomers with new routes, difference sources, smaller batches and that great newcomer creativity and curiosity. They get beans that are “off the beaten path”, if you will, or from non-traditional coffee producing countries.

More recently, since roughly 2010, coffee farmers are experimenting with added fermentation of beans before drying them. This creates a whole range of funky flavors.

These are, amongst others:

Some are pretty large scale roasters already, roasting dozens kilos of coffee every single day to keep production and delivery going. But others are small, artisan roasters, roasting green coffee beans to order once or twice a week.

I’ve had excellent coffee beans from all of these sources, but three that stand out for me and who’s taste I can still recall are:

#1 Giraffe

Fabulous lush sweet yellow fruit tones combined with a medium to full body coffee, just enough bitters and everlasting flavors. And the smell when you brew is intoxicating!

#2 Black and Bloom

Super super sweet Summer berries!

#3 Nordkapp

Super tasty creamy coffee with red fruit tones and a full body. But the peculiarity is the thick fermented “wine-like” notes you smell when you open the package.

What’s the best coffee I’ve had from a non-Dutch source, you ask?

Amavida Coffee! โค Price was high but the rewards were too!

But don’t take my word for it! Check (the sadly discontinued) “Koffie Top 100” from 2018, which ranked the 100 best places to drink coffee in the Netherlands, and a find a place near you that excels in making coffee. Ranking was made by a professional coffee jury and each venue was visited at least 2x to see if they were consistent. Very impressive list, even today.

For a more recent assessment of coffee in the Netherlands, check the fantastic site by the always lovely Sam. She brings a personal note to all the coffees she tries. If she likes it, you know it’s good. But if it’s great depends on you!

Update May 2022:
Added Blommers to the list after tasting their excellent beans during the Dutch Brewers Cup finals in March 2022 at the Amsterdam Coffee Festival (ACF).

Update Jan 2024:
Added Uncommon Amsterdam, Little Roastery and (how could I forget?) the Village Coffee. Small typos corrected and added note about fermentation of beans. Mentioned Replaced koffie top 100 link. Boon has closed.