

No Pressure Coffee is on a mission to become one of the best baristas in the Netherlands by 2026

I’ve been seduced by the smell of coffee from as early on as 7 years old. I always wanted a taste of the spoon my parents used. I used to snack on the old coffee beans in my mother’s kitchen and as teenager, I was awakened by the smell of coffee brewing in the kitchen despite sleeping 2 floors higher!

I can make a great cup of coffee for everyone, even people who don’t normally drink or don’t even like coffee!

Christian Peper


No Pressure Coffee has made it its mission to

SCA member 2022
SCA Member 2022
  • compete in the Dutch Brewers Cup 2024 and 2025
  • join the top 10 of best baristas in the Netherlands by 2026
  • specialize in single origin specialty coffee beans using “slow coffee” brew methods
  • excel at making fabulous coffee from ordinary (supermarket?) coffee by rethinking the recipe and using out-of-the-box techniques
  • educate the general public about the difference between normal and specialty (or “third wave”) coffee
  • teach others about the art and science of brewing coffee

Coffee straight from the Hario V60

Coffee in the morning is an important ritual to me every day, I can hardly think without having coffee first let alone function or work! I used to make simple filter coffee or use a Bialetti much like everyone but since having trained to be a barista, I prefer more precise brewing methods that are manual and more consistent than commercial off-the-shelve coffee makers.

I take my Aeropress everywhere because it requires just boiling water and a hand grinder to get freshly ground coffee from whole beans. The grinder also lets me adjust fineness to match the age or origin of the beans. My Hario V60 is used when I want to learn about the true character of a bean and discover its unique flavors and origin. I grind the beans on a portable hand grinder from Handground or Baratza Virtuoso.

pour over coffee equipment
Pour over coffee equipment

I start the day with a double espresso and favor a flat white in the afternoon. I especially enjoy single origin coffee beans, because – like wine – they reflect the place they are grown. My favorite coffee origins are, in no particular order: Rwanda, Burundi, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Kenya.

The more I learn about coffee, the more I’m convinced there is no bad coffee, only bad baristas.


Before relocating to the Caribbean island of Sint Maarten in 2017 for 2 years, I completed a lot of barista courses at the Koffieschool in Utrecht – an SCA certified training center founded by Joost Leopold. I had planned on opening my own coffee store on St Maarten but hurricanes and circumstances changed and now I’m back in the Netherlands with a different plan.

I want to continue to work as a barista, learn as much as I can and try to improve on what I’m taught. Most of all, I want to discover just how good I really am.


Coffee has been my life line for decades, the smell would wake me up whenever my parents would brew a pot. Working part-time in Food&Beverage since 2006, I’ve unknowingly narrowed my field of flavors and odors from chef in the kitchen to sommelier at the dining table to barista with coffee since 2016. SCA Certified since 2017. With a background in chemistry, understanding the brew methods was very easy for me. Combined with an insatiable curiosity for knowledge, I strive to learn even more about the world of coffee. Currently building up experience to participate in the Dutch Brewers Cup 2024 and perhaps WBrC 2027!

Best equipment for becoming a serious home barista: