coffee news

Coffee Cabana has a new barista

I will be working as a part-time barista in the wonderful new Brazilian-minded coffee place Coffee Cabana, in Utrecht, starting today!

Single origin Brazilian coffee from the owner’s region where she grew up. Roasted to spec by Spot On Roasters in Amsterdam. We’ll try to bring back the smells flavors of the coffee she grew up with.

They also offer Brasilian bites and dishes for lunch and in between. Many products made from Tapioca flour which is naturally gluten free and vegan. Come check them out! Close to train station Vaartsche Rijn in the Vondellaan in Utrecht.

Coffee Cabana beans from Brasil
Coffee Cabana

Officially Registered “No Pressure Coffee”

No Pressure Coffee is now an official one-man company and registered at the chamber of commerce in Utrecht.

My KvK number, for tax purposes is 75493039.

So I’m available for all your short or long term shifts, projects or events! Use my contact page to get in touch with me.

I’m also on several modern temp and traditional job sites or services. You can find me on:

Look forward to hearing about your coffee business, your plans or your dream! I’d be happy to help any way I can!

Checkout my certificates as well as my services. I have been a member of the SCA since 2018.

news travel

Out with the old, in with the new

Tickets are set, container has been shipped off already, apartment in the Netherlands arranged.

We leave in three weeks and will be back home by the end of Spring.

I’m selling most of my barista equipment because I can’t use it on 230V or 50Hz or both. Check Facebook and Instagram for good deals.

If you are a coffee house or catering company in Amsterdam, Utrecht or Amersfoort (of anywhere in between) and you are looking for a skilled (head) barista to cover shifts during the Summer, please get in touch with me using the contact form on this site.