
What to do with old coffee?

Here is an idea that can come in handy on warm summer nights when you crave a coffee but it’s too hot to drink it.

Sometimes you find yourself buying ground coffee in larger quantities because the store has a sale. But some of these packs may find themselves getting hidden behind other groceries in your closet. And then suddenly they are out of date and you normally toss them in the garbage. But you could do way better! And reduce/reuse at the same time…

Take your old outdated coffee, open it and store it in an airtight container. Use your favorite recipe and method for making coffee and increase the coffee dose approximately 20-30%. Use whatever you like, just use more coffee. Aeropress, Chemex, filter brewer, cafetière, Mr Coffee machine, doesn’t matter.

  • Get a whiskey glass for each cup you’re making
  • Fill each glass with 50% ice cubes
  • Get cold whole milk from the fridge (almond or soy will also work but they lack the milk sugars, so add a pinch or two sugar to taste in those cases)
  • Stir the fresh made coffee to mix flavors and bitters
  • Pour coffee slowly on top of ice to instantly cool it; fill so that the ice just floats and cubes clear the bottom of glass
  • Froth the cold milk or pour straight from carton

Voilà, iced coffee! Nothing special but the milk sugars will hide the somewhat stale flavors of the old coffee and the milk fat will make it creamy and smooth. Especially if you can froth the cold milk!

By Christian

Coffee has been my life line for decades, the smell would wake me up whenever my parents would brew a pot. Working part-time in Food&Beverage since 2006, I've unknowingly narrowed my field of flavors and odors from chef in the kitchen to sommelier at the dining table to barista with coffee since 2016. SCA Certified since 2017. With a background in chemistry, understanding the brew methods was very easy for me. Combined with an insatiable curiosity for knowledge, I strive to learn even more about the world of coffee. Currently building up experience to participate in the Dutch Brewers Cup 2024 and perhaps WBrC in the future!